miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

Airplane fatalities

Dear bloggers, today’s post is going to be about airplane fatalities, the last infographic made by me that I am going to post it explains in a very easy way the comparison between the airplane fatalities in Rusia and the United States.

What you will find in this infographic is a statistic of the number of deaths in both of the countries and the years that happened.

The reason why the background of this infographic is green is because from my point of view it is a colour that make people feel realx, and for this reason I tought it would be a good colour in order not to alarm the people that watch it. 

The first siluate that you find is the siluet of Rusia and I choose this kind of red light colour in orther to make people relate red to Rusia but no to the color of the blood, that is the reason why it is not the red colour we are all used to.

The second country is obiusly the United states and the reason why i choose the blue color is to make honor to one of the colours of the countries flag, because if instead of choosing blue I would have chosen red it could be also related to the color of the blod and also for not confuising you with the other country.

Thank you to all and I hope you all keep apreciating my infographics and keep entring in my blog.

martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013

The Gardner Museum robery

Good afternoon bloggers, today’s post is going to be about a robbery that took part in the Gardner Museum in Boston in 1990.
The way that I have chosen to represent this infographic is by representig how the action took part from the moment the thiefs handcuff the security guards in the basment of the museum, with the explanation of the action, after that you will see represented how the two thiefs steal the paintings and, after that, the symbol of a car, above all this three representet actions you will find a little explanation of every moment; and below the actions you will find the most important art robberies that have occured in the wolrd with the name of each museum.

The reason why I choose the colors is because I thought that khaki would be a good colour to use to represent what happened because it is a color that I personally related to bad things that can, sometimes, finish well. The reason why the security guards are paintet brown is because of the colour of the uniform that security guards wear in the United States, and the blue color of the thiefs is because they did the robery dressed as policemans.

I hope you all enjoy my work and keep entring and comenting it.

lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

the Unemployment in Europe

Good afternoon Bloggers, now I'm going to show you, trough the last infographic I've made about the situation of unemployment of some countries of the european union.

The reason why I have chosen this countries is to show you the big differences we find now a days in european countries.

Firstly I would like to tell you the reason why I've chosen this countries, and the reason why. You will find three counties considered powerful, economically talking, like Germany, France and Denmark, and three weak countries that I've chosen Spain, because is the country where I live, Greece, because it's a country that is facing social, political and economic crisis at the same time, like Spain, and Italy also for the same reason as the previous ones.

The reason why I've chosen this colors is because blue, is the color we all relate to the European Union, and also because I think it's a color that transmit, in some way, a bit of hope and calm, which is what we all need to face the actual situation.

I will keep posting new infographics, and I wish you keep visiting my blog.

The Solar System

Hi Bloggers Today I am going to show you the solar system I created, as you will see it its a little bit chaotic. The reason why I choose this way of representing the solar system is because I wanted to create this infographic and at the same time I tried to relate my solar system with the Big Bang which as they theories say it was a very chaotic explosion.

domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013


In my first post I would like you to know me a little bit, that's why I've chosen  to show you on of the projects I've done during the pats two months and it's my CV. It is not completed yet and there are a phew things that I've put there which are not true at all, like for example some of the places that I put that I have not worked yet. In this graphic you will see that the colors are very light and the reason why I chose those colors where because they make me fell relax.

I will continuo posting some of my info graphics and I hope you appreciate my work and keep following my posts.