miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

Airplane fatalities

Dear bloggers, today’s post is going to be about airplane fatalities, the last infographic made by me that I am going to post it explains in a very easy way the comparison between the airplane fatalities in Rusia and the United States.

What you will find in this infographic is a statistic of the number of deaths in both of the countries and the years that happened.

The reason why the background of this infographic is green is because from my point of view it is a colour that make people feel realx, and for this reason I tought it would be a good colour in order not to alarm the people that watch it. 

The first siluate that you find is the siluet of Rusia and I choose this kind of red light colour in orther to make people relate red to Rusia but no to the color of the blood, that is the reason why it is not the red colour we are all used to.

The second country is obiusly the United states and the reason why i choose the blue color is to make honor to one of the colours of the countries flag, because if instead of choosing blue I would have chosen red it could be also related to the color of the blod and also for not confuising you with the other country.

Thank you to all and I hope you all keep apreciating my infographics and keep entring in my blog.

2 comentarios:

  1. I like so much this infographic Aleix, in my opinion is really simple so it is also really understandable for the viewers and it's so clear the relation between the years, the crashes, the fatalities and the comparison between two countries as USA and Russia. Continue making graphics like this, you've done a really good job!

  2. Hi Aleix! I like the fact that you've differentiated the two countries with different and representative colors and I think that by keeping the graphic really simple it achieves the goal of directing the message to the viewer. However, I'm not really sure about the purple color on the margins, I don't think it suits the content and the style, but good job!
